Quelques intervenants au colloque ATHS 2023 :
Elie Aaraj (Liban)
Elie Aaraj travaille dans le domaine du VIH/SIDA et de la réduction des risques depuis 1987, quand il a fondé une organisation Libanaise locale “Soins Infirmiers et Développement Communautaire,” qui a commencé par un programme de soins infirmiers à domicile pendant la guerre civile, et s’est agrandie pour s’occuper du VIH/SIDA et des projets de jeunesse et de lutte contre la toxicomanie, dans les années suivantes. il a initié le travail de proximité auprès des populations clefs et a haut risque du SIDA au Liban, un projet pionnier dans les pays Arabes. Mr. Aaraj a complété sa Maîtrise en Santé Communautaire à l’Université Saint Joseph, au Liban, après avoir reçu une License en Sciences Infirmières de l’Université Libanaise/ Croix Rouge Libanaise, en 1982. Ayant qualifié en tant qu’infirmier, il a travaillé dans deux hôpitaux au Liban, avant de devenir le Directeur de l’Ecole Technique des Aide-Infirmiers à l’Hôpital Hayek, à Beyrouth, un poste qu’il a occupé pour deux ans, puis il a fondé SIDC. il a notamment suivi plusieurs stage et formations qualifiant et reconnu comme expert international dans le domaine du SIDA et de la toxicomanie au niveau des agences de l’ONU. Mr. Aaraj est le Président Fondateur de l’Ordre des Infirmières et Infirmiers dur Liban, President du Réseau des ONGs qui travaillent dans le domaine du SIDA de la région du Moyen Orient et Afrique du Nord (RANAA) depuis 2008 (élu pour un deuxième mandat an Décembre 2012). En 2007, Mr. Aaraj est l’un des fondateurs et directeur général du réseau MENAHRA depuis sa création. Parallèlement à son travail, Mr. Aaraj s’engage à beaucoup d’autres activités professionnelles, dont plusieurs se concentrent sur la prévention de l’abus des substances, sur la réduction des risques et sur le VIH/SIDA. Il a aussi publié une dizaine d’œuvres majeures de recherche sur l’usage de la drogue et sur la prévention et les obstacles à l’observance aux Traitement Anti-Retro Viraux parmi les PVVIH au Liban entre autres, ainsi que de nombreuses ressources pour les praticiens dans ce domaine. Au niveau professionnel, Mr. Aaraj a reçu la médaille Marcelle Hochar de l’Association des Infirmières de la Croix Rouge Libanaise ainsi que la « National Rollstone Award: de l’Association Harm reduction International en plus de Kim Mo Im Award du Conseil International Des Infirmiers et Infirmières (CII) sur le changement de politique et l’innovation, pour son travail au Liban et dans la région MOAN sur les politiques de santé et la réduction des risques
Marion Adler (Paris)
De Marion Adler est médecin généraliste et tabacologue depuis 1997, impliquée dans de nombreux avis d’experts, membre du conseil scientifique et conseil d’administration de la SFT ( Société Francophone de Tabacologie). Elle s’est beaucoup impliquée, en particulier, dans la prise en barge des femmes enceintes. Elle est responsable du service d’addictologie de l’hôpital Antoine Beclere à Clamart.
Patrick Aeberhard (Paris)
Patrick Aeberhard est cardiologue, Il a principalement contribué à la création de Médecins sans Frontière (1971), puis de Médecins du Monde (1980). Ancien Président de Médecins du monde (Conseiller au Cabinet de Bernard Kouchner Ministre de la Santé (1992-1993, 1997 -1999, 2001-2002), il est chargé de la toxicomanie, de l’exclusion puis de l’activité physique et sportive et de la prévention des conduites dopantes. En 2005, il devient Professeur des Universités associé Paris 8, Département de droit UFR2 Droit de la Santé, et chercheur au Laboratoire droit médical et de la santé chargé du DU « Droit et stratégies de l’action humanitaire » il va développer ses recherches autour du thème : santé et droits de la personne. Co-fondateur de Harm Reduction International.
Roberta Agabio (Italy)
Roberta Agabio, graduated in Medicine, is specialized in both Clinical Pharmacology and Psychiatry. She is Assistant Professor in Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Cagliari, Italy. She devoted the early years of her research to the study of animal models and the neurobiology of alcohol use disorder, and the identification of new medications for the treatment of this mental disorder. Following the initial years of preclinical activity, Dr. Agabio started to collaborate with national and international clinical research centers in the field of alcohol use disorder. Her clinical research activity is focused mainly on the identification of new medications for this disorder, gender differences in the field of the addictions, and the early identification of alcohol related problems like the increase of developing breast cancer; moreover, in recent years, she has adopted a meta-analytic approach to investigate these topics. At present, she is Editor of the Cochrane Drug and Alcohol group. Dr. Agabio has promoted and coordinated a series of courses in the field of alcohol use disorder targeting both students and healthcare operators involved in treatment of the addictions. She is a member of scientific societies in the alcohol field, acts as reviewer for numerous peer-reviewed journals in the field of the addictions and has edited monothematic issues for national and international journals. She has also given numerous talks as invited speaker at national and internal conferences. Dr. Agabio has authored several book chapters and articles published in international peer-reviewed journals. She has organized and taken part in events aimed at raising awareness of unhealthy alcohol use and alcohol use disorder and treatment of the disease.
Marc Auriacombe (Bordeaux)
Marc Auriacombe is a Professor of Psychiatry and Addiction medicine at the Medical School of the University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA., USA. He is the director of the addiction research team at CNRS USR 3413 Sanpsy and medical director of the Addiction Treatment Services of the Charles Perrens Hospital in Bordeaux, France. He is the principal senior investigator of an integrated addiction research program funded by French national and
European funds. With Jean-Pierre Daulouède and Jean Tignol he has contributed to introduce the Addiction Severity Index in France in 1989. Marc Auriacombe was awarded the EUROPAD Award 2002 « Chimera d’Argento » « Dedicated to all those who dream of a better
world for drug addicts » and has published over 200 papers in research and educational journals and books in English, French and Spanish.
Gavin Bart (Minneapolis)
Dr. Gavin Bart is Director of the Division of Addiction Medicine at Hennepin Healthcare and Professor of Medicine at the University of Minnesota Medical School. His clinical oversight includes a licensed opioid treatment program, an office-based addiction treatment clinic, and an addiction medicine consultation service. These clinical division are engaged in innovative high-quality care, education, and research within an urban safety-net setting. Dr. Bart received his MD from the University of Minnesota and trained in internal medicine at the Hennepin County Medical Center. His PhD is in experimental and clinical pharmacology, also from the University of Minnesota. His areas of expertise include clinical pharmacology and the pharmacological management of opioid use disorders. His current research areas include the population pharmacokinetics of methadone, genetic influences of methadone pharmacology and treatment outcome, and implementation of opioid use disorder in hospital and primary care settings. He is principal investigator of the NorthStar Node of the NIDA National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network and has provided extensive international technical assistance including to the PEPFAR /Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s capacity building HIV and addiction efforts in Vietnam and South East Asia.
Patrick Bendimerad (La Rochelle)
Le Dr Patrick Bendimerad est praticien hospitalier, il est chef du service d’addicotologie ainsi que du pôle de psychiatrie du groupe hospitalier Littoral Atlantique à La Rochelle. Il est formé à l’addictologie depuis plus de vingt ans et a participé à de nombreux protocoles de recherche scientifique concernant les addictions. Il s’intéresse tout particulièrement au concept de réduction des risques et aux stratégies relationnelles visant à favoriser le renforcement des liens thérapeutiques avec les patients souffrant d’addictions. Il a publié plusieurs articles sur le sujet des troubles de l’usage de l’alcool, ainsi que sur les problématiques liés aux technologies digitales et notamment à la surexposition aux écrans.
Christian Ben Lakhdar (Lille)
Christian Ben Lakhdar Professeur des universités en économie à l’Université de Lille, Christian Ben Lakhdar est l’auteur de plus d’une soixantaine d’articles scientifiques, de chapitres d’ouvrage et de rapports dans le champ de l’économie des drogues et des conduites addictives. Ces sujets de recherche portent plus précisément sur l’économie de la nicotine et les politiques de lutte contre le tabagisme, sur les modes de régulation du cannabis ou encore sur l’évaluation des outils de réduction des dommages. Le fonctionnement des marchés des drogues illicites et leurs conséquences socio-sanitaires sont un autre pan de son domaine de recherche. Reconnu pour son expertise, il a été membre nommé du Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique (2011-2016) et membre du collège scientifique de l’Institut National de Prévention et d’Education à la Santé, INPES (2011-2015). Il a siègé au collège scientifique de l’Observatoire Français des Drogues et des Toxicomanies (OFDT) et celui de Santé Publique France. Il a été membre de l’Observatoire des Jeux du ministère des Finances. Collaborant avec la Global Commission on Drug Policy et avec d’autres organisations internationales, il est aussi administrateur du Comité National Contre le Tabagisme (CNCT) et président de Spiritek, Caarud intervenant en milieu festif.
Amine Benyamina (Villejuif)
Amine Benyamina est Psychiatre Addictologue à l’Hôpital Universitaire Paul Brousse à Villejuif, il est également Professeur des Universités à la Faculté de Médecine Paris XI.Il est responsable de plusieurs Diplômes Universitaires nationaux et internationaux.
Il est responsable du Centre de Recherche et de Traitement des Addictions. Il est Président de la Fédération Française d’Addictologie (FFA). Il est Président de l’Association Franco-Maghrébine de Psychiatrie. Il est rédacteur en chef de la revue Alcoologie et Addictologie et administrateur de la Société Française d’Alcoologie (SFA), de l’Association Française de Psychiatrie Biologique et Neuropsychopharmacologie (AFPBN). Il est l’auteur d’une cinquantaine d’articles scientifiques référencés traitants des questions de thérapeutique, de biomarqueurs et de comorbidités
psychiatriques et addictives. Il est également l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages à vocation académique et pédagogique et a coordonné plusieurs ouvrages collectifs. Il est également l’auteur d’ouvrages plus grand public traitant des questions d’addiction notamment le cannabis et l’alcool. Il est le fondateur du congrès de l’Albatros, un congrès international d’addictologie qui se tient tous les ans à Paris.
Derek Blevins (Columbia)
Derek Blevins is an Assistant Professor at Columbia University, a research psychiatrist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, and a psychiatrist in private practice in Manhattan. He completed his psychiatric residency at the University of Virginia, where he served as chief resident, and a combined clinical and NIDA-funded T32 research fellowship in addiction psychiatry at Columbia University. During his residency, he served as junior attending for the treatment resistant depression clinic at UVA, where he gained experience with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), which he continued to pursue in clinical research during residency and fellowship. As junior faculty at Columbia University, he is leading a new NIDA-funded clinical trial that will investigate rTMS as an adjunct to cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of cocaine use disorder.
Joel Bockaert (Montpellier)
Joel Bockaert Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle / UMR5203 – INSERM U661 –Université de Montpellier /
Membre de l’Académie des Sciences, Membre de l’Académie des Sciences et des lettres de Montpellier, Membre de l’EMBO, Professeur émérite Université de Montpellier,
CURSUS UNIVERSITAIRE : 1964 Concours d’entrée à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm – Paris), 1968 Agrégation de Sciences Naturelles, 1973 Doctorat ès Sciences Naturelles, 1973-74 Post-Doctorat à Chicago Northwestern University, DISTINCTIONS – PRIX – CITATIONS : 1989 Rochat-Julliard de l’Académie des Sciences Prize, 1995 Lilly – ECNP Prix, 2001 Grand Prix de l’Académie des Sciences (Charles-Léopold Mayer)
2001 Certificat « Highly Cited Researchers » ISI/Thompson Scientific, 2005 Honorary Professor of Huazhong University, China, 2005 Doctor Honoris Causa free University of Bruxelles, 2004 Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur, 2012 Friendship Award of China, 2013 Chevalier des Palmes Académiques,
DOMAINES DE COMPETENCE : Pharmacologie Moléculaire, Neuropharmacologie, Neurosciences, Biologie Cellulaire, Génomique. Total publications scientifiques 626; Citations 38648, h=102), Ouvrages La Communication du Vivant Eds O.Jacob, Le Cannabis : quelle histoire ? Eds Université Grenoble Alpes, La Communication du vivant : un monde de récepteurs biologiques Eds Matériologiques. Les travaux de Joël Bockaert ont été consacrés à l’étude des communications intercellulaires et en particulièrement celles mises en jeu au niveau cérébral.
Nicolas Bonnet (Paris)
Nicolas Bonnet est docteur en pharmacie, titulaire du master en santé publique de Paris X, j’exerce depuis 1999 dans le domaine de l’addictologie où j’ai pu développer des compétences spécifiques dans la clinique des addictions en milieux institutionnel, associatif, hospitalier et universitaire. Mon parcours professionnel en addictologie m’a permis d’acquérir des compétences dans 3 domaines principaux : la pharmacologie, la veille sanitaire et la pharmacie clinique. J’ai ainsi notamment travaillé à Médecins du Monde comme coordinateur national de la mission analyse des drogues XBT dont les travaux ont amené à la diffusion de la technique d’analyse par chromatographie couche mince, à Apothicom pour la création du Sterifilt ou bien à l’Observatoire français des drogues et toxicomanies au sein du pôle TREND. Je suis actuellement directeur du RESPADD, Réseau des établissements de santé pour la prévention des addictions et responsable de la consultation jeunes consommateurs de l’hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière à Paris. Le RESPADD constitue le plus important réseau d’établissements de santé en Europe soit plus de 800 établissements de santé adhérents mobilisés et actifs dans la prévention et la prise en charge des conduites addictives. Il est à l’origine de la stratégie « Lieu de santé sans tabac » et du réseau « Lieu de santé promoteur de santé ». Investi de longue date en réduction des risques dans le secteur associatif, j’assure actuellement la présidence du CAARUD Proses à Montreuil. Enfin, après avoir été secrétaire général de l’Association française pour la réduction des risques je siège aujourd’hui au bureau du collectif Galilée.
Sandra Comer (New York)
Sandra D. Comer, Ph.D. Comer is Professor of Neurobiology in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University. She received her BS at Vanderbilt University and PhD at the University of Michigan for her research on the effects of abused drugs using preclinical models. Dr. Comer’s current research focus is on the clinical testing of medications for treating opioid use disorder, methods to maximize the use of naloxone by opioid users, and evaluations of the comparative abuse liability of prescribed pain medications. Dr. Comer recently served as President of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, the longest standing scholarly society in the U.S. devoted to research on substance use disorders, and currently is the Public Policy Officer for CPDD. Dr. Comer recently joined the Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Dependence for the WHO and has over 140 publications on substance use disorders.
Maurice Dematteis (Grenoble)
Neurologue de formation, Professeur d’Addictologie et de Pharmacologie, fondateur et chef du Service Universitaire de Pharmaco-Addictologie au CHU Grenoble Alpes, il a contribué à développer et à structurer l’enseignement de l’Addictologie dans sa Faculté et son interrégion. Il a participé aux différents groupes de travail nationaux (alcool, analgésiques opioïdes, substitution opioïde, nouveaux produits de synthèse / nouvelles substances psychoactives), à la rédaction des recommandations dans les troubles de l’usage d’alcool et des opioïdes, et à différentes études muticentriques. De par sa formation, Maurice Dematteis s’intéresse particulièrement aux addictions médicamenteuses, à leur caractérisation et à leur prise en charge. Enfin, il a développé le programme ETAPE, programme novateur inspiré de l’éducation thérapeutique pour les entourages de consommateurs.
Don C Des Jarlais (New York)
Former President of Switzerland and Minister of Home Affairs (Chair)
Ruth Dreifuss (born in 1940, single) studied in Geneva where she received a degree in economics with special focus on econometrics in 1971. In her varied professional career she served as hotel secretary, editor of the weekly journal Coopération, social worker, and assistant at the Geneva University. She then worked nine years for the Swiss Agency for Development and Humanitarian Aid (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) and became in 1981 Secretary of the Swiss Labour Union Federation. In that capacity, she was responsible for sectors including social insurance, labour law, gender equality and relations with the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Ruth Dreifuss (Genéve)
Ruth Dreifuss was elected Federal Councillor (Member of the Swiss government) in 1993 by the Federal Assembly (Parliament), and was re-elected twice. From 1993 to her resignation in 2002 she was Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs, the ministry responsible for public health, social insurance, scientific research, higher education, gender equality and culture, as well as the environment until 1997. During the year 1999, Ruth Dreifuss was President of the Swiss Confederation.
As the Federal Councillor in charge of public health and social insurance, she implemented a new policy in the fields of drug addiction and prevention of HIV/AIDS. She also oversaw the introduction of the new law on health insurance, which guarantees universal coverage for the Swiss population. After her retirement from government, she chaired the commission mandated by WHO that reported on public health, innovation and intellectual property rights, and co-chaired the High Level Panel on the same subject, which was mandated by the United Nations Secretary-General. Ruth Dreifuss currently serves as a member of the International Commission Against the Death Penalty. Ruth Dreifuss is Doctor honoris causa of the Universities of Haifa, Jerusalem and Fribourg (Switzerland).
Don C. Des Jarlais (New York)
Don C. Des Jarlais, Ph.D. is Director of Research for the Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center, a Senior Research Fellow with the National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. and a Guest Investigator at Rockefeller University in New York. He began his research on AIDS in 1982. As a leader in the fields of AIDS and injecting drug use, Dr. Des Jarlais has published extensively on these topics including papers in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, Science and Nature. He has been particularly active in international research, having collaborated on studies in twenty-five different countries. He serves as a consultant to various institutions, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Academy of Sciences and the World Health Organization. He is a former commissioner for the US National Commission on AIDS, and is currently a Core Group Member of the UNAIDS Reference Group on HIV and Injecting Drug Use. In 2010 Dr. Des Jarlais was elected to the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).
Adrian Dunlop (Australie)
Dr Adrian Dunlop MBBS GdipEpiBiostat (Melb) PhD (UNSW) FAChAM CF https://www.newcastle.edu.au/profile/a-dunlop is Director and Senior Staff Specialist for Hunter New England Local Health District Drug & Alcohol Clinical Services and Conjoint Professor, School of Medicine and Public Health, College of Health & Wellbeing, University of Newcastle. He is a consultant to the Drug & Alcohol Specialist Advisory Service (DASAS), St Vincent’s Local Health Network. He was the Chief Addiction Medicine Specialist, NSW Health (2014-2018) and Clinical Advisor (2012-13) responsible for policy advice in drug and alcohol to the NSW Ministry of Health. He is a Foundation Fellow of the Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine (FAChAM) and current President of the Addiction Medicine Chapter Committee, Royal Australasian College of Physicians. He is a Board Member for the National Clinical Centre for Research on Emerging Drugs (2017-). He is a Past-President of the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD) 2009-2011, current member of the College of Problems on Drug Dependence (USA), American Society of Addiction Medicine (USA), Society for the Study of Addiction (UK), European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association and Fellow of the International Society for Addiction Medicine (FISAM) and the International Doctors for Healthy Drug Policies. In 2019 he was awarded the APSAD Senior Scientist Award, was a 2015 James Rankin APSAD orator, and in 2014 was awarded the APSAD Clinician Award. In 2010 he was awarded Clinical Leader of the Year by HNELHD and. In 2005 he was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to investigate the treatment of opiate dependence in pregnancy in Europe and North America. He has 30 years-experience in the drug and alcohol field, over 370 publications including over 170 peer reviewed journal articles, 9 book chapters, is a co-author on 9 Australian guidelines on drug and alcohol treatment management, including the Clinical Guidelines for the Use of Depot Buprenorphine (Buvidal® and Sublocade®) in the treatment of opioid dependence, funded by NSW Health. He collaborates with various drug and alcohol clinical research groups and clinical sites state across NSW and Australia and is current chair of the NSW Drug and Alcohol Clinical Research Network, a collaboration of NSW public sector drug and alcohol engaged in clinical treatment and research.
Honora Englander (Portland)
Dr. Honora Englander is a Professor in the Department of Medicine (Division of Hospital Medicine and Division of General Internal Medicine Section of Addiction Medicine) at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). Dr. Englander is founder and Principal Investigator of the Improving Addiction Care Team (IMPACT), an internationally recognized model for hospital-based addiction care that includes physicians, social workers, nurses, and peers with lived experience in recovery. She is working to change the standard of care for hospitalized adults with substance use disorder by redesigning care and shifting our view of addiction from one of shame and stigma, towards one that embraces belonging, treatment, and healing. Dr. Englander has received numerous awards for her work transforming health systems including being named one of the Portland Business Journal’s ‘Top Forty under 40’ in 2015 and one of the American College of Physician’s Hospitalist TOP DOC in 2012. She has spoken at the US National Academy of Sciences and published research in numerous journals including the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, and the Journal of General Internal Medicine. She was recently awarded a US Fulbright to opioid use disorder care delivery systems in France in 2023-2024.
Jason Farrell (Amsterdam)
Mr.Jason Farrell is a pioneer in designing and implementing integrated “one-stop-shop” care. For 30 years, he has successfully fought for access to health care, human rights and prevention services for drug users and people living with HIV, regardless of sexual orientation or gender.
He founded the Positive Health Project (PHP) in 1993, the first low threshold, multi-service, HIV prevention, needle syringe program with on-site medical program for drug users in the United States, based on the successful Dutch model: harm reduction. In 2009 Jason Farrell moved to the Netherlands and worked with Correlation European Harm Reduction Network, advising on national HCV action plans and implementing HCV testing and prevention interventions within EU harm reduction programs. Over the years, Jason has served by invitation as an expert member of advisory groups at the European Center for Disease Control, the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction, and the European HIV/HCV Testing Week Working Group. Presently, Jason Farrell is the director of Stichting Choices Support Center in Amsterdam. Choices Support Center (Choices) is designed to provide multi-disciplinary treatment readiness services for individuals struggling with addiction and high-risk behaviours. Choices low threshold services support individuals at risk for HIV, HCV and STIs due to substance use in taking the first steps towards creating a suitable prevention plan or finding appropriate treatment. The core values of Choices are – compassion, collaboration, and empowerment.
Gabriele Fischer (Vienne)
University professor, Dr. Gabriele Fischer works as psychiatrist & neurologist and is head of the Addiction Clinic at Medical University of Vienna. She is involved in many epidemiological clinical and psychopharmacological studies in the field of substance use disorder and non – substance related addictions including the topic of co-morbidities. Pr Gabriele Fischer has over 150 peer- reviewed publications.
She is, inter alia, member of the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug addiction (EMCDDA) and Member of General Medical Council in Austria.
Julien Guiraud (Amsterdam)
Julien Guiraud received his PhD degree from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam in 2023. He got his Master of Science degree in aerospace engineering of ISAE-SUPAERO in 2002 and his Specialized Master degree of HEC Paris in 2003. Julien Guiraud was Chief Executive Officer of D&A Pharma, a company specialized in the development of pharmacotherapies for the treatment of various addictions, from 2014 to 2021. He is now the founder and President of Vergio, a company which provides services in clinical development. He is also affiliated to the department of psychiatry at the Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam.
Marie Jauffret-Roustide (Paris)
Marie Jauffret-Roustide is a Research Fellow, Sociologist at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) in France, Paris. She is the leader of an international comparative research on the history of harm reduction between France and North America. She proposes to analyze three representative contemporary drug policy issues affecting and partially North America and Europe (France) : the history of opioid substitutive treatments, the opioid overdose crisis, and the controversy on drug consumption rooms. Marie Jauffret-Roustide’s research focuses on drug policy and harm reduction paradigm, ethnicity and gender issues, laws, and regulations, structural inequalities in health and social policies, and patient groups’ and users’ involvement in drug policy changes, including analyses of the biomedicalization process of addiction. (Lire la suite)
Matthew W. Johnson (Baltimore)
Matthew W. Johnson, Ph.D, is the Susan Hill Ward Professor of Psychedelics in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Working with psychedelics since 2004, he is one of the world’s most widely published experts on psychedelics. Matt published psychedelic safety guidelines in 2008, helping to resurrect human psychedelic research. He published the first research on psychedelic treatment of tobacco addiction in 2014, and the largest study of psilocybin in cancer distress in 2016. His 2018 psilocybin review recommended Schedule IV upon potential medical approval. Matt also conducts behavioral economic research on the psychology of addiction and sexual risk. He is a past President of the Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse Division of the American Psychological Association, and current President of the International Society for Research on Psychedelics. He has been widely interviewed about drugs and addiction, including by 60 Minutes, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, BBC, CNN, Fox Business News, NPR, & Michael Pollan.
Bernard Kouchner
Bernard Kouchner Fondateur de MSF puis de MDM – Ancien ministre de l’Action humanitaire et de la santé – Ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères et de l’Europe – Ancien haut représentant du secrétaire général des Nations unies au Kosovo – Auteur de la loi sur les droits des malades
Anne-Laurence Le Faou(Paris)
Anne-Laurence Le Faou est addictologue à l’Hôpital européen Georges Pompidou et présidente de la Société francophone de tabacologie. Ses travaux portent sur la prévention des conduites addictives et l’arrêt des consommations de substances. Il s’agit en particulier du thème du tabac, de son rôle dans les inégalités sociales de santé et de l’efficacité des politiques publiques, tant collectives que de l’aide individuelle au sevrage tabagique. Elle a conçu un MOOC « Tabac : arrêtez comme vous voulez ! » (Pns – MOOC Tabac : Arrêtez comme vous voulez ! (2019))
Karl Mann (Mannheim, Germany)
Prof. Emeritus and Senior professor, Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg/Germany. Karl Mann was appointed the first chair in Addiction Research in Germany in 1999 and held this position at the University of Heidelberg until he retired in 2014. From 2006 – 2014 he served as Deputy Director of the Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim. K.M. received his M.D. at the University of Mainz in 1977 and his PhD at the University of Tuebingen in 1990. He was a medical intern in Concord, NH in 1974 and 1975 and a Research fellow in Paris 1978-1979. He holds a Board Certification for Neurology, Psychiatry & Psychotherapy. His research concentrates on addiction mechanisms and randomized controlled treatment trials. His main research methods are psychopharmacology, structural and functional neuroimaging and genetics with a focus on alcoholism and gambling. This work and its policy implications were published in more than 500 peer reviewed papers and 20 books. From 2005 to 2009 he was ranked 3rd in the list of the most productive alcohol researchers worldwide*.
Icro Maremmani (Pise)
Icro Maremmani, MD graduated at the Medical School of the University of Pisa and specialized in Psychiatry cum laude at the University of Pisa. At present he is “Qualified full professor of Psychiatry” and Professor of Addiction Medicine at the University of Pisa, Italy. His expertise field is agonist opioid treatment of heroin addicts, especially patients with dual disorders. He is founding member and Past President of Italian Society of Addiction Medicine (SITD)and Founding member and President of the European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association – EUROPAD. He is Founding President of World Federation for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (WFTOD), NGO with Special Consultative Status with United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), based in New York, NY, USA.He is founding member and general secretary of the World Association on Dual Disorders (WADD). He received Dole and Nyswander Award in 1994; Chimera Career Award in2004, SEPD Award in 2015, and ISAM fellowship award in 2016. He serves also as editor in chief of Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems and academic editor of IJERPH and JCM.Up to present has published more than 600 scientific and professional papers and 20 books. Presently taking part, as active member, more than 450 scientific meetings.
John Marsden (Londres)
John Marsden is a clinical research and board certified practitioner psychologist. He is Professor of Addiction Psychology and Deputy Head of Department for Addictions at the School of Academic Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London in the UK. John is a clinical academic consultant for the US National Institute of Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network, and he is Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal ADDICTION. His research focus is on the development and evaluation of novel treatment interventions for opioid, stimulant and alcohol use disorders. He has developed novel interventions for hard-to-treat patients with opioid use disorder; exposure-based psychotherapy for cocaine use disorder; psychedelic-assisted treatment for alcohol use disorder, and John has just led the first superiority randomised controlled trial of extended-release buprenorphine for OUD – the topic of his presentation at this year’s meeting.
Fadi Meroueh (Villeneuve-Lès-Maguelonne)
Fadi Meroueh is a hospital doctor at the University Hospital of Montpellier and Head of a prison healthcare unit for the past 26 years, a passionate advocate of a global approach to equal access to care for those in prison. President of HWB (Health Without Barriers) for the past 5 years, Vice-President of MENAHRA (Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association) and of the FFA (French Federation of Addictology) as well as an expert for various French, European and international institutions. (EMCDDA, WHO Europe, UNODC, ECDC, pompidou group…)Addictions and Hepatitis C : The eradication of Hepatitis C within the prison of Villeneuve-les-Maguelone is a major achievement and the first of its kind in Europe and North America. This result was obtained through a combination of prevention (testing systematically offered, NEP), medication and support from the medical staff. First French doctor to implement Long Acting Buprenorphine in France and in prison two years ago, and
currently nearly a hundred patients benefit from this formula
Luis J. Montaner (Bethesda)
Dr. Luis J. Montaner is Vice President for Scientific Operations, Herbert Kean, MD Family Professor, and Director of the HIV-1 Immunopathogenesis Laboratory at The Wistar Institute, the nation’s first independent research institution devoted solely to biomedical science and a world leader in cancer, immunology, virology, and infectious disease research. The Montaner Laboratory oversees HIV cure-directed research, including studies on the mechanisms of rebuilding the immune system in persons living with HIV-1 (PLWH) with substance use disorder. In addition to investigating innate immunity with regards to HIV, the Lab studies diseases such as SARS-Co-V2 and cancer with particular interest in macrophage biology in cancer microenvironments. By combining immune system-based research using laboratory models of viral infection or cancer and working with patient cohorts, the Lab explores new ways to boost or modulate the natural function of the immune system to combat infection or cancer. Broader research goals for the Montaner Lab include the identification of new cure-directed strategies to eradicate HIV; driving forward immune reconstitution and vaccine responses in PLWH and substance use disorders; and developing novel therapy strategies targeting antiviral responses and the tumor microenvironment. The Montaner Lab works with an extended network of national and international collaborators and engages in partnerships with the local patient community to offer participation in research studies and education on the latest research. Dr. Montaner currently leads one of the largest NIH-supported collaboration groups focused on advancing HIV cure research under the Martin Delaney Collaboratory (beat-hiv.org). Dr. Montaner serves on the board of directors of community health center, Philadelphia FIGHT, with whom he has partnered for more than 25 years. He also leads cancer patient participation networks for analysis in Wistar Institute laboratories inclusive of the Montaner program. Dr. Montaner has authored more than 195 papers and serves as a reviewer and scientific advisor for multiple national and international projects and/or organizations. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology from 2009-2023 and is a sought-after national and international lecturer. Dr. Montaner, originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico, and obtained his D.V.M. degree from Kansas State University in 1989 and his D. Phil. in experimental pathology from the University of Oxford, UK in 1995 as a Marshall Schholar. He joined The Wistar Institute in 1995 as an assistant professor and was promoted to professor in 2007. Dr. Montaner is a member of Penn Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), Wistar Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, and Wistar Professor of Infectious Disease at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Ivan Montoya (Bethesda)
Dr. Ivan Montoya is the Deputy Director of the Division of Pharmacotherapies and Medical Consequences (DPMC) and Senior Medical Officer at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). He received a Doctor in Medicine degree from the University of Antioquia (Colombia) and a Masters in Public Health from The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. He completed residency training in Psychiatry at the University of Antioquia and the Johns Hopkins University. He has been a Fulbright-Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow at The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Visiting Fellow at the Intramural Research Program of NIDA, Director of the Practice Research Network of the American Psychiatric Association, and consultant for the World Health Organization. He has published extensively in the areas of etiology, prevention, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), and medical consequences of drug abuse.
Ivana Obradovic (Paris)
Ivana Obradovic est sociologue, spécialisée dans l’analyse des politiques publiques liées aux drogues, en particulier dans le champ pénal. Elle est directriceadjointe de l’Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies (OFDT) et chercheure associée au Centrede recherche sociologique sur le droit et les institutionspénales (CESDIP). Elle a enseigné à l’Université de Picardie Jules-Verne et à Sciences Po Paris. Ses travaux les plus récents portent sur les réponses publiques à l’usage de cannabis en France et, dans le cadre de l’étude Cannalex, la comparaison internationale des politiques menées à l’égard du cannabis, avec un intérêt particulier pour les initiatives de régulation du cannabis menées aux Etats-Unis et en Uruguay.
Pat O’Hare (Liverpool)
Professor Pat O’Hare Pat O’Hare was the Executive Director of Harm Reduction International from its founding in 1996 until he stepped down in 2004. Pat started working in the drug field in the mid-1980s when he became Drug Education Coordinator for Sefton on Merseyside and then Director of the Mersey Drug Training and Information Centre in Liverpool. In 1989, he founded the International Journal of Drug Policy and was the Editor from 1990 to 2000. In response to the interest created by the innovative ‘Mersey Harm Reduction Model’, Pat initiated the First International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm in 1990. Pat has been instrumental in helping governments around the world to change the way they approach the problems caused by drug use, especially those caused by the sharing of injecting equipment. He is co-editor of three books on the reduction of drug related harm, has published extensively on HIV prevention, education and drug policy, and has spoken at many international conferences during the past twenty years. In 1990, Pat was given the Norman E. Zinberg Award for Achievement in the Field of Medicine and Treatment by the Drug Policy Foundation in Washington and, in 2000, he was given Harm Reduction International’s most prestigious prize – the International Rolleston Award. In February 2009, he was made Visiting Professor in Drug Use and Addiction at Liverpool John Moores University.
Caroline Protais (Paris)
« Docteure en sociologie, Caroline Protais est spécialisée dans l’étude des relations entre l’univers pénal et la santé mentale.
Chargée d’études à l’unité FOCUS de l’OFDT, elle assure à la fois le suivi des études auprès des publics sous main de justice (détenus, suivis en milieu ouvert, PJJ), celles concernant les publics vulnérables et les pratiques des professionnels de l’addictologie (CSAPA/ CAARUD/ CJC, cure de sevrage). Elle pilote et participe à des enquêtes qualitatives et contribue aux analyses transversales de l’OFDT, comme sur le dispositif TREND. »
Sarah Perrin (Paris)
Sarah Perrin est docteure en sociologie, post-doctorante au Bordeaux Population Health Center et coordinatrice du dispositif Tendances récentes et nouvelles drogues (TREND) en Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Elle a soutenu sa thèse en 2022, qui portait sur les trajectoires de femmes insérées socialement dans les mondes de la drogue, à Bordeaux et Montréal. Ses recherches actuelles portent sur les usages de substances psychoactives licites et illicites, et sur les pratiques de réduction des risques.
Nathalie Richard (Paris)
Nathalie Richard est Docteur en pharmacie, ancienne assistante des hôpitaux d’Ile de France et ancienne ingénieure des Laboratoires de police scientifique, elle a rejoint l’Agence Nationale de Sécurité du médicament et des Produits de santé (ANSM) où elle a été en charge des stupéfiants au niveau réglementaire et de l’addictovigilance, en lien avec le réseau des CEIP-Addictovigilance. Au sein de la direction de la surveillance de l’ANSM, elle pilote actuellement le Comité stupéfiants, psychotropes et addictions et est directrice du projet cannabis médical et de son expérimentation qui a débuté le 26 mars 2021.
Bernard P. Roques (Paris)
Bernard P. Roques learned degrees in pharmacology at Paris University and a PhD in physical chemistry at the EcolePolytechnique. Professor of Pharmacochemistry at Univ. Paris V and Director of an unit CNRS/INSERM (1976-2001). His research spans areas such as 1) DNA poly-intercalators; 2) metallopeptidase inhibitors active in pain treatment and cardiovascular domain with creation of start-up such as Pharmaleads and Quantum Genomics. He develop drugs such as Tiorfan and anti-diabetic Stagid both on the market. Two of the DENKIs, PL37 and PL265, are now in phase II clinical trials active on diabetic neuropathy. Bernard P. Roques is member of the French and European Academies of Sciences. He has received a great number of international awards and published more than 500 papers in international journals. He organised several international meetings.
Perrine Roux (Marseille)
Perrine Roux is a pharmacist and public health researcher with over twenty years of experience in the fields of HIV, Hepatitis C, addiction, and harm reduction. After a two-year post-doc at the Substance Use Research Center in Columbia University, she was awarded the position of permanent researcher at the French National Institute for Medical Research (INSERM) SESSTIM – Unit 1252 in Marseille, France. She is the PI of several mixed-method, multidisciplinary projects related to access to care and prevention for people who use drugs. Perrine currently leads a research group in the SESSTIM unit on community-based research on HIV and harm reduction, and has over eighty publications in this field.
Deepak Cyril D’Souza (Connecticut)
Deepak Cyril D’Souza, MD is the Albert E. Kent Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine. He is a staff psychiatrist at VA Connecticut Healthcare System (VACHS) where he has worked since 1992. He is an active clinician, teacher and researcher, with 30 years of experience. He directs the Neuropsychiatry Program at VA Connecticut, the clinical service that cares for veterans with serious mental illnesses. He is actively involved in teaching residents. In recognition of his contributions as a teacher, he received the Yale Psychiatry resident’s teaching award in 2008. Cyril has been using psychopharmacological probes such as ketamine, amphetamine, THC to evaluate the contributions of various neurotransmitter systems to the pathophysiology of psychosis, cognitive deficits, and reward processing. He also conducts clinical phase 1 to phase 4 trials in neuropsychiatric disorders. Finally, he uses neuroreceptor imaging to study neuropsychiatric disorders. His research is funded by the U.S. National Institute of Drug Abuse, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, VA R&D and several foundations. His work has been published in the highest impact Psychiatry journals including Molecular Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology.
He is the Principal Editor of the journal Psychopharmacology. He serves on the Physician’s Advisory Board for the State of Connecticut’s Medical Marijuana Program. He is recognized as a leading expert on the human pharmacology of cannabinoids and was recently appointed the inaugural Director of the newly created Yale Center for the Science of Cannabis and Cannabinoids.
Yanina Stemkovskaya (Ukraine)
Yanina Stemkovskaya is representative in Ukraine of the NGO UnMode – Community Movement for Access Justice, a network of human rights defenders from communities of drug users with experience of incarceration in Eastern Europe. Yana is also regional representative in Poltova region, Ukraine of the All-Ukrainian Association of People with Drug Addiction foundation “VOLNA”. Yana was sentenced to prison for drug use. Since her release, she has been defending the rights of prisoners and people who use drugs. Since 2019, she documents violations of rights and provides paralegal aid to prisoners who use drugs in Ukrainian prisons with the Prison Health & Rights Consortium, a consortium gathering lawyers, former prisoners and community activists and prison doctors from the NGOs UnMode, the European Prison Litigation Network, Harm Reduction International and Health without Barriers. Under war conditions, Yanina is one of the few human rights activists who maintained her connection with prisoners in Ukrainian prisons, especially in the occupied territories, and provided humanitarian aid
Christian Trepo (Lyon)
Christian Trepo, MD, PhD graduated from the University of Lyon and was granted a fellowship by the Fogarty International Center National Institutes of Health to complete his training in Virology and in Hepatology at Cornell University in New-York.
He was then promoted Professor of Medicine and Gastroenterology at the Lyon Medical School, and Chief of the Liver Unit. He is presently Emeritus Professor at Croix-Rousse University Hospital and at Inserm Unit 1052 of Lyon Cancer Research Center (CRCL). Past-President of the French Association for the Study of the Liver, ChristianTREPO was awarded the Career Achievement Award from EASL (European Association for the Study of the Liver). His research and clinical interests are directed at hepatitis viruses associated diseases and their therapy.
Wim Van Den Brink (Amsterdam)
Wim Van Den Brink received his medical degree in 1981. After his training as a psychiatric epidemiologist in Groningen (1983-1986) and New York (1986-1987) he got his PhD degree 1989. Since 1992 he is full professor of Addiction Psychiatry at the Amsterdam University Medical Centers. In 2014 he received the lifetime achievement award from the Netherlands Association of Psychiatry and in 2015 he became honorable member of the Spanish Society for Dual disorders. In 2017 he received the European Addiction Research Award from the European Federation of Addiction Societies (EUFAS) and in 2020 he became Professor Honoris Causa at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. He is a (co)author of more than 600 international peer reviewed scientific papers (HIWoS=85; HIGoogle Scholar=116). He has been a thesis advisor of more than 75 PhD students. He has been the chair of the Workgroups that developed the Dutch Treatment Guidelines on Alcohol Use Disorders, Opiate Addiction and Drugs other than opioids. He is one of the founders and president of the International Collaboration of ADHD and Substance Abuse (ICASA). His main scientific interests are related to the neurobiology addiction and the pharmacological treatment of substance use disorders and related comorbidities.)
Vincent Verroust (Paris)
Vincent Verroust mène des recherches en histoire des sciences, philosophie et épistémologie sur les conséquences de la découverte des champignons hallucinogènes du Mexique sur la production de savoirs scientifiques à l’Université de Picardie – Jules Vernes. Il est également coordinateur scientifique en charge des travaux sur les psychédéliques au Respadd et chercheur associé à l’Unité de recherche Psycomadd du CHU Paul Brousse à Villejuif. Il collabore avec plusieurs équipes de recherche médicale pour la reprise des essais cliniques avec les psychédéliques et publie régulièrement avec des experts en psychiatrie, en neurosciences et en histoire de la médecine. Co-fondateur de la Société psychédélique française en 2017, il est l’un des initiateurs de la Renaissance psychédélique en France. Il a notamment animé pendant trois ans le premier enseignement interdisciplinaire en études psychédéliques à l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales et au Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, organisé différents symposiums et colloques académiques sur le sujet et présente inlassablement ses recherches au grand public dans de nombreuses conférences gratuites. Il prépare actuellement au Respadd une formation pratique sur les thérapies assistées par psychédéliques à destination du personnel soignant hospitalier.
Roger D. Weiss (Boston)
Roger D. Weiss, M.D., is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Chief of the Division of Alcohol, Drugs, and Addiction at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts. He has been Principal Investigator on numerous NIDA or NIAAA grants, and has developed Integrated Group Therapy, an evidence-based treatment for patients with co-occurring bipolar disorder and substance use disorders. Dr. Weiss led a multi-site national study of the treatment of prescription opioid dependence, as part of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network, and is currently a Lead Investigator on the multi-site Retention, Duration, Discontinuation (RDD) study, examining optimal treatments for opioid use disorder.
Dr. Weiss has authored over 400 articles and book chapters as well as 4 books, is a member of numerous journal editorial boards, and has participated in prominent national committees, including serving as Vice Chair of the American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines for Patients with Substance Use Disorders. He also has served as substance use consultant to the Boston Red Sox. He was named a Member of Honor by the Spanish Society for Dual Disorders in 2011, and has received numerous other awards, including the H. David Archibald Award for Outstanding Research and/or Practice in the Addictions from The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto (2007), the Jack H. Mendelson Research Award from McLean Hospital (2012), the Dan Anderson Research Award from the Hazelden Foundation (2012), the Anne M. Cataldo Excellence in Mentoring Award from McLean Hospital (2014), and the Founders Award from the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (2023).
Abraham Zangen ( Tel Aviv )
Abraham Zangen Professor Abraham Zangen is the head of the brain stimulation and behavior lab and the chair of the psychobiology brain program at the Ben-Gurion University in Israel. Following his first degree in pharmacology in the medical school of the Hebrew University (1988-1992), his M.Sc (1993-1994) and Ph.D. studies (1996-1999) in neurosciences took place in Bar Ilan University and the Weizmann Institute of Science. His Ph.D. studies suggested a direct role for the brain reward system in the mechanism of antidepressant action. During his postdoctoral studies at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH (1999-2003) with Roy Wise he identified specific triggers zones in the rat brain for rewarding effects of neuropeptides and cannabis. He also studied mechanisms of brain stimulation reward using microdialysis and measurements of neuropeptides in rats, and in parallel developed a special coil allowing deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (DTMS) in humans with Mark Hallett (NINDS, NIH). In 2003 he returned to Israel and established his lab in the Weizmann Institute, in the department of neurobiology and was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2010. In 2012 he joined the Ben-Gurion University and in 2015 was promoted to the rank of Full Professor. Since his return to Israel Dr. Zangen is studying mechanisms of altered neuroplasticity in depression, addiction and impaired attention, and the effects of repeated brain stimulation on markers for neuroplasticity and on behavioral outcomes in animal models for depression and addiction. He is also studying physiological outcomes and the potential effectiveness of the unique DTMS coil he has developed for the treatment of depression, addiction, OCD and ADHD. The device he has developed for the treatment of depression targeting deep dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex areas was approved by the FDA in 2014 and treated over 200,000 patients worldwide. A different version of his DTMS coil targeting the anterior cingulate cortices was approved by the FDA in 2018 for OCD treatment. In 2020, another DTMS coil he developed that targets the lateral prefrontal and insular cortices was approved by the FDA for nicotine addiction following an international multicenter study in which Prof. Zangen was the PI. His early work in this field led to establishment of Brainsway in 2003, a company that commercializes the coils he developed with his colleagues. Prof. Zangen has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles, reviews and book chapters, with total number of citations exceeding twenty thousand. His current H-factor is 62. His scientific work was rewarded with 12 different personal prizes including the Medical Futures Innovation Award in London (2007), the Sieratzki-Korczyn prize for advances in neurosciences (2010), the CME award (2012), The Joludan Prize (2015), The Innovation Award of Ben Gurion University (2019), and he has received several distinguished research grants including NIH, European Horizon 2020, ISF and BSF funding for his research.